Caffeine Retina Icons

Caffeine is one of the most useful apps I have on my MacBook and I totally love it but it’s the only app in my menubar that didn’t have retinafied icons.

As a matter of fact, the icons don’t even follow the classic monochromatic pictogram style that every other OSX menubar app has and that’s why I made this set of icons for it.


In the download file you’ll find the icons that you need to add and replace into the caffeine app as well as the original vector Fireworks files. It’s a FIRED IT UP project (new catchphrase for Fireworks projects). If you haven’t tried Fireworks yet, you definitely should.

To update your Caffeine app follow these steps:

  1. DOWNLOAD the free icons I made.
  2. Copy ALL the images in the “caffeine-icons” folder.
  3. Right-click (ctrl-click) your caffeine app (make sure it’s closed) and select “Show package contents”
  4. Go to Contents/Resources within the Caffeine app and paste the images. If it asks you if you want to replace the images, select yes.
  5. That’s it! Just open the app and you’ll see your new retinafied-OSXmenubar-styled-supershiny-awesome icons

These images and their originals are completely free to use in any kind of project. If you do use them in a project a mention is always welcome but not required 😉

If you want to invite me a cup of coffee and talk some design or development projects, just get in touch via twitter: @


UPDATE (Dec 2014): With OSX 10.10 Yosemite Apple has added a new dark mode to the manubar. Thanks to Tinu Cleatus for coming up with a solution for this new dark mode. the thing is, it’s a halfway solution, I wasn’t able to find a one set of icons that works both ways (in dark and normal mode).

So I made a new file for the dark mode based on Tinu’s solution. It works ONLY for dark mode. So download this is you use dark mode or download the regular ones if you use the normal mode.


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